Key Features
Sales document sharingSales Document Sharing
Share your offer and other important sales documents with your customer via the Sales Room
Document sharing

Provide your customers with the material they need to make a buying decision in an easy-to-understand format. Add any documents, links, videos or images you want right in the Digital Sales Room. All the common document formats will work, so you don’t have to do the time-consuming and expensive work of converting documents.

Use the file formats that work best for you
Setting up a new Sales Room is quick and easy with ready-made templates
Offer an improved customer experience: all up-to-date material is available in one place
Document sharing
Personalised sales videoPersonalised sales videos
Create personalised sales videos
Video recording

Increase personalisation and trust in online selling by communicating with customers and other buying group members through personalised sales videos. Don’t lose deals because members of buying group don’t understand the value of the service you provide. With just a few clicks, record an introduction video, offer walkthrough or product demo to ensure that everyone understand the value of your service, even buying group members you have yet to meet.

Record your screen, webcam or both
Create personal video messages or offer walkthrough
No need for other equipments
Video recording
Sales document trackingSales Document Tracking
Follow up on your sales documents
Buying group status

Keep track of who is visiting the Digital Sales Room and gain insights into prospect behavior by seeing what content people are viewing and how much time they spend on it. In addition, Noux delivers reminders to members of the buying group to ensure the sales process stays active.

Track and follow the buying team and follow up promptly
Quickly identify who has read specific sales documents
Keep your sales process on track, save time and boost your sales with automated reminders
Buying group status
Sales EngagementSales Engagement
Let your customer communicate with you in the way that works for them
Sales engagement

Allow your customer to contact you in the way they want, as easily as possible. This will ensure that they get an answer to their question as quickly as possible. The customer can ask you questions about their buying decision via chat in the Digital Sales Room. They can also call you directly, send you an email, or book an appointment directly from your calendar.

Remove communication barriers with your customers
Make it easier for your customer's buying group to reach out with Digital Sales Room chat
Enable customers to book an appointment directly on your calendar
Sales engagement
Automatic Transcript and SummaryNoux Notetaker
The fastest way to automatically summarize and share meeting notes - powered by AI
Automatic Transcript and Summary

Imagine if your meeting notes and their high-quality summaries were created automatically, immediately available to share with your clients in the salesroom, and seamlessly integrated into your CRM system. Noux Notetaker records your conversation, summarizes it, and provides data on the dynamics of the discussion.

Identifies the participants, the spoken language, records the whole discussion, summarizes and records what was agreed
Works in Teams, Meet and Zoom, and links to your sales room and CRM
Improve your negotiation skills with conversation insights: speaker timeline, talk-to-listen ratio, longest monologue, talking speed and speaking turns per minute
Automatic Transcript and Summary
Electronic signature iconElectronic Signature
Finalize Deals with Electronic Signatures
Electronic signature - Noux features

Enhance your chances of closing a deal with the sales room. Seal the deal with contract signing, which is easily done directly from the sales room. Before signing, thorough negotiations often take place, conveniently managed within the sales room. You can share contract versions and discuss the terms – and when it’s time to sign, it’s seamless and secure for all parties involved.

Electronic signatures are no longer a separate part of the buying and selling experience; they occur smoothly alongside other materials and communications.
No more lengthy email chains and confusing attachment management. Shorten the time needed for agreements.
Automated reminders and notifications ensure a swift signing process.
Electronic signature - Noux features
“Noux Sales Room is a great tool for a salesperson. Noux was easily integrated into our sales process and brought much-desired interaction between the sales team and customers. Our customers have given nothing but good feedback about using the sales room and its functionalities.”
Noora Ainesjärvi
Account Manager
“With Noux, I have broken my own sales record. The salesroom clearly enhances the buying experience, differentiates us from our competitors, and helps communicate the value of collaboration to the entire buying team.”
Olli Myllys
Sales Manager
“Our goal is to be the best market quality partner for our customers. At the point of sale, we want to make it easy for our customers to buy by centralising materials in the salesroom. Noux is easy and intuitive to use, and the integration with Pipedrive has increased the quality of our customer data.”
Santeri Pasanen
Key Account Manager
“Noux supercharges your sales and empowers your customers to make effortless buying. The key question for forward-thinking sales teams is not ‘if’ but ‘when’ to embrace this game-changing solution. Not selling with Noux is now a competitive liability.”
Kevin Paiser
“Personalized videos significantly increase the closing rate. Everyone involved in solution selling should focus more on what happens between the interactions when the salesperson is not present. Noux is the best solution to ensure that your message gets across in an exciting and customer-friendly way.”
Antti Seppälä
Sales Director
“We help our customers build a competitive advantage through customer experience. We want to "practice what we preach". Noux helps us stand out in the digitizing world of customer interactions and provides us with a means to convey desired emotions across the digital divide.”
Kari Korkiakoski
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